Photogenic StudioMax III AC Portrait Soft Box Kit, with 2 AKC 320 Constant-Color Monolights, 1 12x36" Soft Box, 1 36x36" Softbox, HD Stands & Case with Wheels.

Vendeur: Photogenic

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StudioMax III Constant Color Monolights AC only operation StudioMax III is a lightweight microprocessor controlled Monolight for studio or location work. The four models offer a wide range of standard features that includes discreet continuously variable power adjustments over a full 6 f-stop range. StudioMax III accepts all the Photogenic Quick-Change light shaping accessories. These accessory options include barndoors, grids, snoots, scrims, diffusers, soft boxes and umbrellas. These lights are easy to carry for location work, weighing from 2.4 pounds to 3 pounds, so make them your travel lights or hair and accent lights in the studio

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