Photogenic Flash Head with 6" Reflector for Photogenic Flashmaster Power Packc

Vendeur: Photogenic

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The general work horse of the line. This is a 400 WS maximum power lighting unit which can be plugged into any of the 4 Outlet jacks.The light heads of the FlashMaster system are very lightweight compared to the weight of a monolight. This is because the monolights must contain all of the power supply components inside each monolight case. The light heads of the FlashMaster system only contain the flashtube and select components of the triggering circuit. This greatly reduces the weight. If you have ever put monolights on stands you know how unstable it can be unless you use extra heavy duty stands. The extra weight of putting the power supply components inside the case of the monolight increases the chance of an expensive accident. Further, there is also the overkill in putting all the power of a monolight in at lease one of your setup locations. ( The hairlight) In this position alone, putting a monolight is both inconvenient, time consuming to setup and operate, and expensive if there is an accident.

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